


Core entity cordaOrganization » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 11:12 AM) → Revision 2/4 (Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 12:07 PM)

h1. Core entity: CORDA Organization 

 CORDA Organization subclasses Organization and include properties specifically devised for organizations collected from the CORDA FP7 projects datasource. 


 | Legal body short name | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 | Legal person name | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 | Non Profit Web site url | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 | Research organization Logo url | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | || 

 |CollectedFrom | Higher education [[core_entity_datasource|Datasource]] |1..N| A Datasource from which this Person has been collected (e.g. an aggregator of institutional repositories, an entity registry) | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 |[[linking_entity_projectOrganization|Project_Organization]] | International organization [[core_entity_project|Project]] |0..N| The Project this Organization is involved into | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 | International organization eur interests | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 | Enterprise | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 | SME validated | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | | 
 | Nuts code | [[type_structured_property|Structured(Boolean,-,Provenance)]] |    0..1 | |