Core entity funder » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 04:26 PM) → Revision 4/5 (Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 04:27 PM)
h1. Core entity: Funder (isA [[core_entity_Organization|Organization]]) A Funder is here intended as the (metadata) description/representation of an Organization that provides research fundings. |_Property_|_Type_|_Multiplicity_|_Description_| | Jurisdiction | String | 0..1 | | | PID | [[type_structured_property|Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance)]] Structured | 0..N 0..1 | unique and persistent identifier used to identify the funder together with the relative identification agency, e.g. FundRef | |_Relationship_|_Target_|_Multiplicity_|_Description_| | Funds | [[core_entity_FundingStream|FundingStream]] |1..N| Funding Stream of this Funder |