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Alessia Bardi, 28/04/2015 02:47 PM


A Result is here intended as the (metadata) description/representation of a scientific output (possibly) resulting out of one or more projects. Results has the following sub-entities: Publication and Dataset.

Property Type Multiplicity Description
Title StructuredString 1..N the Titles of the Result, represented as Class/Scheme, e.g., original, alternative, subtitle, etc.
Date of acceptance Date 1..1
Publisher StringWithProvenance 0..1
Description StringWithProvenance 0..N Contains the Abstract of the Result
PID StructuredString 0..N unique and persistent identifier used to identify the result together with the relative identification agency, e.g., EPIC, CrossRef, DataCite
Language Qualifier 0..1 the language used in the description or body of the Result, specified according to a given classification of languages, respectively described as a Class/Scheme
RelevantDate Date 0..N a date relevant to the Result
Subject StructuredString 0..N the scientific discipline (represented as Class/Scheme) covered by the Result
Instance Instance 1..N An Instance of the Result, which represents a physical location where the Result files (web resources entities, e.g., DOIs) can be found
External Reference ExternalReference 0..N external link which might be useful to contextualize the Result
Source StringWithProvenance 0..N maps the dc:source element
Format StringWithProvenance 0..N maps the dc:format element
Context Context 0..N Information about the fundings and/or research initiatives related to the Result
Relationship Target Type Multiplicity Description
Collected From [1] Datasource ? 1..N A Datasource from which this Result has been collected (e.g. an aggregator of institutional repositories)
Hosted By [2] Datasource ? 1..N A Datasource that hosts the Results (e.g. an institutional repository)
Funding Project Datasource ? 0..N The Project that co-funded the research underlying the Result
? Person Person_Result 0..N Link to Person entities (e.g. authors, contributors)
? Result Result_Result 0..N Link to Result entities (e.g. similar publications, related datasets)

[1] The difference betweem collectedFrom and hostedBy relationships is introduced to model the concept of Aggregator data sources. Aggregator data sources are themselves aggregating information packages from a set of data sources; they differ from the data sources they aggregate, but play an equally important role in delivering the entities to OpenAIRE, and should therefore be given visibility. Accordingly, in order to guarantee visibility and ROI to all data sources involved in this chain, when OpenAIRE collects information packages from Aggregators such packages are characterised by the data source from which they were “collected”, i.e. the aggregator itself, and the data sources where they were originally "hosted". Note that in the case of other typologies of data sources (e.g. repositories) collectedFrom and hostedBy refer to the same data source.

Updated by Alessia Bardi almost 10 years ago · 17 revisions