Core entity result » History » Revision 33
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Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 05:49 PM
h1. Result
A Result is here intended as the (metadata) description/representation of a scientific output (possibly) resulting out of one or more projects. Results has the following sub-entities: Publication and Dataset.
| Title | Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance) | 1..N | the Titles of the Result, each with a typology represented by a Qualifier and Provenance information; for example Qualifier.Class = {original, alternative, subtitle, etc.} |
| Date of acceptance | Date | 1..1 |
| Publisher | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 | |
| Description | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..N | Contains the Abstract of the Result |
| PID | Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance) | 0..N | unique and persistent identifier used to identify the result together with the relative identification agency, e.g., EPIC, CrossRef, DataCite |
| Language | Structured(-, Qualifier, -)| 0..1 | the language used in the description or body of the Result, specified according to a given classification of languages, respectively described as a Qualifier |
| RelevantDate | Date | 0..N | a date relevant to the Result |
| Subject | Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance) | 0..N | the scientific discipline covered by the Result |
| Instance | Instance | 1..N | An Instance of the Result, which represents a physical location where the Result files (web resources entities, e.g., DOIs) can be found |
| External Reference | ExternalReference | 0..N | external link which might be useful to contextualize the Result |
| Source | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..N | maps the dc:source element |
| Format | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..N | maps the dc:format element |
| Context | Context | 0..N | Information about the fundings and/or research initiatives related to the Result |
|Result_Project | Project |0..N| The Project that co-funded the research underlying the Result |
|Person_Result | Person |0..N| Link to Person entities (e.g. authors, contributors) |
|Result_Result| Result|0..N| Link to Result entities (e.g. similar publications, related datasets) |
Updated by Alessia Bardi almost 10 years ago · 33 revisions