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Paolo Manghi, 03/02/2017 10:14 AM

h1. Result

A Result is here intended as the (metadata) description/representation of a scientific output (possibly) resulting out of one or more projects. Results has the following sub-entities: Publication and Dataset.

| Title | Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance) | 1..N | the titles of the Result, each with a typology represented by a Qualifier and Provenance information. Qualifier.scheme is "dnet:dataCite_title": |
| Date of acceptance | Date | 1..1 |
| Publisher | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..1 | |
| Description | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..N | Contains the Abstract of the Result |
| PID | Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance) | 0..N | unique and persistent identifier used to identify the result together with the relative identification agency. The identification agency is expressed in the Qualifier part. Qualifier.scheme is "dnet:pid_types": |
| Language | Structured(-, Qualifier, -)| 0..1 | the language used in the description or body of the Result, specified according to the ISO639 3-letter language codes. Qualifier.scheme is "dnet:languages": |
| RelevantDate | Date | 0..N | a date relevant to the Result |
| Subject | Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance) | 0..N | the scientific discipline covered by the Result. The Qualifier part specifies the subject classification scheme the value belongs to. The list of supported subject classification schemes is defined in Qualifier.scheme "dnet:subject_classification_typologies": |
| Instance | Instance | 1..N | An Instance of the Result, which represents a physical location where the Result files (web resources entities, possibly identified by DOIs) can be found |
| External Reference | ExternalReference | 0..N | external link which might be useful to contextualize the Result |
| Source | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..N | maps the dc:source element |
| Resource Type | Structured(-, Qualifier, -) | 0..1 | Type of the Result, which changes based on the sub-type literature, datasets, methods, or research package. In the case of literature and datasets values of this property are picked from standard controlled vocabularies, respectively OpenAIRE guidelines dc:type and datacite:resourceType. Qualifier.class is "dnet:dataCite_resource": |
| Format | Structured(String,-,Provenance) | 0..N | maps the dc:format element |
| Context | Context | 0..N | Information about the fundings and/or research initiatives related to the Result |
| Country | Structured(-, Qualifier, -)| 0..N | the countries of the organizations to which the authors of the Result are affiliated to at the moment of publishing; values specified according to the ISO3166 2-letter country codes. Qualifier.scheme is "dnet:countries": |

|Result_Project | Project |0..N| The Project that co-funded the research underlying the Result |
|Person_Result | Person |0..N| Link to Person entities (e.g. authors, contributors) |
|Result_Result| Result|0..N| Link to Result entities (e.g. similar publications, related datasets) |
|Organization_Result | Organization |0..N| |

Updated by Paolo Manghi about 8 years ago · 39 revisions