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Marek Horst, 09/12/2016 03:33 PM
D6.4 draft

D6.4 OpenAIRE Maintenance Report (v1, 9th of December 2016)


This document contains information about the deployment, status of OpenAIRE2020 services and content, and the history of major modifications of the system hosted at ICM, Poland.

The official maintenance of the OpenAIRE2020 services began on January 1st, 2015 when the project started.


Because OpenAIRE2020 services are a continuation and incremental extension of the services already present that resulted from OpenAIRE+ project, so they are still hosted on that same machines. More details are available at OpenAIRE+ WP5 Maintenance Report.

@Paweł: are there any new services in maintenance since OpenAIRE+ project worth mentioning here?


DNet deployment is performed following the documentation described at:

@Claudio: is it up to date?

The Orphan repository is deployed according to the process described at

@Lars: link does not work anymore, can you provide the proper one?

Information Inference Service versioning and deployment is described on IIS versioning and deployment wiki page. More detailed description of IIS deployment is available on IIS deployment step by step wiki page.

Services status

D-NET backend services

@Claudio: could you fill that in? Probably you can rely on


@Paweł: could you fill that in? You can do it in a similar way it was done in


@Lars: could you fill that in? You can do it in a similar way it was done in

DM hadoop cluster

CDH version: cdh4.3.1

IIS hadoop cluster

CDH version: cdh4.3.1, replaced with cdh5.5.2 on November 20, 2016, to be replaced with cdh5.9.0

Content status

data type count
publications 17460368
datasets 3226586
projects 653268
organizations 64591
authors 16188328
EuropePMC XML contents 1574358
PDF contents 2227458

Based on IIS report generated on November 20, 2016.

Change Log for servers administration operations

@Paweł: could you fill that in? This could be similar to:

Major modifications

Introducing CDH5 IIS cluster hosted in OCEAN infrastructure

Slave node specification:
  • Huawei RH1288 V3
  • CPU: 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz (24 cores, 48 threads)
  • RAM: 128GB
  • HDD: 4x SATA 6TB 7.2K RPM (HDFS)
Cluster summary (16 slaves):
  • CPU: 384 cores, 768 threads
  • RAM: 2048GB
  • HDD: 384TB (HDFS)
YARN available resources:
  • vcores: 640
  • memory: 1.44TB
  • HDFS: 344TB

Incorporating resources from old CDH4 IIS cluster into existing DM CDH4 cluster

@Paweł: are you aware of any other major modifications regarding other services such as new portal version etc?

System downtimes

@Paweł: could you fill that in? We could create dedicated with entry similar to:
and link it here.

Updated by Marek Horst over 8 years ago · 1 revisions