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Lars Holm Nielsen, 27/02/2015 06:17 PM
h1. D9.3 Zenodo service
h2. Task Title and Participants, Task Aim and Description (in bullets)
T9.3 Catch-all data pilot Services: Zenodo
Leader: CERN
Aim: Deliver data repository services that are capable of satisfying the needs of the Horizon2020 data pilot through provision of Zenodo.
- Any researcher without an appropriate community data repository should be able to rely on the Zenodo service to share and preserve any data from the EU funded programmes.
- Extend Zenodo to support the broad range of data publishing initiatives, making it an appropriate testbed for communities to try out these concepts.
- Data linking, data citation, and anonymized data, and the closely related services for software description and preservation.
- Develop connections with other data repositories for data export and exchange.
- Extended service to align with emerging norms for uniquely identifying researchers (ORCID), funders (FundRef) and other relevant entities.
h2. Task Timeline (Including Deliverables & Milestones)
- Road maps: > * Zenodo development is planned 3-6 months in advance using 3-months road map. > * See https://github.com/zenodo/zenodo/milestones
- Sprints:
> * The 3-months road map is divided into 14-days sprints, where each sprint is planned at the beginning of the sprint cycle.
> * See https://github.com/zenodo/zenodo/milestones
- Release process: > * Zenodo is released (i.e. deployed) often and early (after each sprint) to ensure high speed in delivering new features/bug fixes.
Large flexibility is needed in the development process in order to ensure fast delivery of new features as well as align development with use case needs. Thus,
- Deliverables: > * M6, M18, M30: D9.3 Zenodo Specifications [CERN] > * Specifications are defined by our rolling 3-month road maps and the deliverables will be snapshot of these road maps.
- Milestones: > * M12, M24 M36: M9.3 Zenodo release [CERN] > * Releases will instead of actually releases simply be a report describing all features launched during the period and how they support our uses cases.
See full description of development process on http://zenodo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/projectlifecycle.html
h2. Areas of priority (where to concentrate first)
Focus areas for the first year include:
- Common needs: > * Preservation model and backend data storage improvements > * Data Seal of Approval certification (with DANS)
- Use case clinical trial data: > * Confidential peer-review and restricted sharing. > * Policies and process documentation. > * Legal issues.
- Use case small libraries/conference proceedings/small journals: > * Branding of communities > * Sub-collections in communities > * Search improvements > * Authentication (eduGain) > * Persistent identification > * Multiple curators
- Use case research software developers: > * Engage in prototyping software citation and discoverability in astronomy with key stakeholders.
Partners for each use case have been identified.
h2. Forseen Integration with other Work Packages and Tasks
- Task 4.4 Guidelines for Data providers and OpenAIRE service APIs > * Test-bed and Implementation of guidelines for publication and data archives.
- Task 7.1: Legal issues in context of the Open Research Data Pilot > * Identify legal issues related to sharing clinical trial data, and produce easy to read guides for end-users of Zenodo.
- Task 9.6: Data Anonymization Services > * Enable seamless deposit into Zenodo of the output data from the service.
- WP4 Training and support > * Help give Zenodo webinars > * Regular updates on Zenodo > * Reuse produced training material on Zenodo
h2. Communication Strategy: when and how to raise awareness among consortium of updates in task
- Participation in bi-weekly technical meetings.
- Send road map (every 3 months)/sprint (every 14 day) updates to technical mailing list.
- Write newsletter articles.
Updated by Lars Holm Nielsen almost 10 years ago · 4 revisions