



h1. Linking entity: Person_Person

| Provenance | Provenance | 1..1 | |
| Qualifier | Qualifier | 1..1 | |

Currently, only one Qualifier.Scheme is available for Person_Person relationship named "dnet:person_person_relations", whose values are:

  • isCoAuthorOf: relationship between two persons that co-authored a Publication. Currently not used by OpenAIRE.
  • merges: A Person @p1 merges p2@ when the OpenAIRE de-duplication system identified a group of duplicate records (that includes @p2@) and generated a representative record @p1@ that merges them all.
  • isMergedIn: inverse relationship of "merges"

Updated by Alessia Bardi almost 10 years ago · 1 revisions