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Paolo Manghi, 29/04/2015 10:14 AM

Type: Structured

A Structured Property may contain a value whose type is injected by its instantiation (e.g. Structured(String)) and may require the presence of a Qualifier and/or Provenance information. In order to instantiate value, Qualifier and Provenance the type can be instantiated as exemplified below:
  • Structured(String,Qualifier,Provenance): the type includes a value of type String, which can be qualified by given Scheme and Class, and also contains provenance information relative to the value (which process and/or which data source has provided the value);
  • Structured(String,-,Provenance): the type includes a value of type String, without a qualifier, and also contains provenance information relative to the value (which process and/or which data source has provided the value);
  • Structured(-, Qualifier, -): the type does not include a value and relative provenance information, but only a given qualifier Scheme and Class; in other words, it defines the usage of a controlled vocabulary.
Property Type Multiplicity Description
Value inherited from type instantiation 0..1
Qualifier Qualifier 0..1
Provenance Provenance 0..1

Updated by Paolo Manghi almost 10 years ago · 19 revisions